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F22 Dogfight

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Author Comments

This started out as a school project. It is my first proper flash movie. It doesn't have sound though :(. Hope you enjoy it!

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Hey, Not bad

This was made quite a few years ago, so i understand where the trouble of having known what a F-22 is and how one works can be a problem. I know these things b/c i am in the Air Force and work on them. I am glad though to find out that this submission was made in '04...or i would have been extremly harsh in my review :)


I love the f-22! Awesome work i love it. I wish obama wouldnt have stopped its production :(

7 for a first work.

This is pretty tight, but as a member of the Air force I don't like the F-14 rear end lol.
Here is a bit of info for you to read and use to remake it. Trust me I would love to see this done propperly,

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgur l=http://www.lockheedmartin.com/data/
assets/aeronautics/products/f22/f22_3 view.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lockhee dmartin.com/products/f22/f-22-specifi cations.html&h=760&w=500&sz=41&hl=en&
start=128&um=1&usg=__FGK50MZobuekqyYB P7cdahuMcn4=&tbnid=t0Z8taTXuBrWPM:&tb nh=142&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3DF-2 2%26start%3D126%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%
as for the other plane, keep that F-14 rear and make it an Iranian F-14. Here is the site for the F-14 specs.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgur l=http://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircr aft/AirShows/Oceana2005/Tomcats/GreyF 14FastPass10oClock.jpg&imgrefurl=http ://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircraft/Ai rShows/Oceana2005/Tomcats/index.html&
usg=__TpNnfxpbvh189VMIMdMnlTHL6SQ=&tb nid=nbLh5z8-UOkSgM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=149 &prev=/images%3Fq%3DF-14%26ndsp%3D18%
Good job and keep up the good work.

its k

too short, but it was ok, and it needed better sound


u gotta put sound it in bro

Credits & Info

3.59 / 5.00

Jan 2, 2004
3:58 AM EST