i like it!
i like it!!! its.. it would have been funny if you made it smash into the wall and then it says "all that ... and it still fucking killed em all! lol ... by the way i liked youre review on foamy faggot!
everyone read this, its funny!
methinks he doth protest too much. January 20, 2006
Reviewed by: BoyliciousDarian Overall Score: 0
You know, people like you who are not only homophobic, but completely and utterly obsessed with calling everything *else* gay, you do it because you yourself are gay and--whether consciously or subconsciously--you act the way you do because you are under the mistaken impression that if you hate on gay people it makes you look more 'straight.'
Dude, I gotta tell you, you act just like one of my ex-boyfriends. He refused to come out of the closet, and he used to make offensive homophobic comments at his school to try to throw people off.
But it doesn't throw people off.
It just makes you look stupid.
I got news for you... Whatever you think is so bad about being gay, its not nearly as bad as being a fucking prick on the internet who just calls everything gay and calls it humour.
Did people call you gay at school when you were a kid? Do they still? Cause I bet they do, and you know the best way to get them to stop would be cut it out with the "faggot this" and "homo that." Look deep inside yourself, realize what your real situation is and then talk to a counsellor because they are paid to deal with this shit and NG users aren't.
You are either gay and in denial, or a *real* fucking moron. I feel sorry for you either way.