...abc is a Pokemon parody. Your drawing skills could use some work. It was way too short, you should make it longer.
...abc is a Pokemon parody. Your drawing skills could use some work. It was way too short, you should make it longer.
worst movie (not absolutely, i think only no. 4)
Graphics: 4.5
Replay/Video: 4
Concept: 5
My desired rating: 4
AVERAGE: 4.375= 4
3 stars for dead Pikachu!
Fun game
Fun game but some of the ships seem abit on the glichy side?? other then that it could use a few details on graphics and such.
Fun game but needs some improving
*sigh* That could have been alot better.
I know it's messed up, but I'm a pokemon fan who likes pokemon killing games. I thought this one was REALLY stupid.
It wasn't long enough, that pikachu didn't even look like pikachu, and there should have been maybe more pokemon to kill or something?