needs work
1. It needed sound.
2. It's kind of hard to understand some words you wrote.
3. All that was is part of Level 1: Gnarled Root Dungeon (The only reason I know is because I've beat the game.)
I found a site that provides HUGE game maps for pretty much every game boy game.. ever. So I used this one from Oracle of Seasons and got a bunch of sprites.
needs work
1. It needed sound.
2. It's kind of hard to understand some words you wrote.
3. All that was is part of Level 1: Gnarled Root Dungeon (The only reason I know is because I've beat the game.)
It was kind of good I guess.
It was just too boring. A little sound would've been nice, too.
lv.6 eh
yeah that's a hard even 2 find but this is pretty decent keep it up.
This was really good, I myself am currently playing Zelda Seasons and I found this quite funny, great job!
that was nice......
this is what i call good animation. wonderful quality, nothing was bad about it. i only rated the violence a 5 because i think of violence as blood not an explotion of sparkly things.