well done
it needs a preloader and stuff so it doesnt jst loop. Nice work for two days of work
I made this in about two days and I want to see what you think about it. Don't blam it.
well done
it needs a preloader and stuff so it doesnt jst loop. Nice work for two days of work
basic but good
Short and simple but effective. I liked this. Nicely done.
bout 3 years too late...
The thing is that that commercial is really old and i cant tell if the people(or things) in the video are doing tricks or not.Also next time get a loder and make sure the thing doesnt loop forever when it ends i want to know that its ended other than that the convaience of motion and the sound were very good.
joe zombie made it better
im not saying that yu stole the thought of it, but joe zombie's "just kill it"m was better because it was funny. it was a good commertial and yur flash didnt suck but i've already seen it done here at newgrounds.
((( DECENT )))
A new idea here on newgrounds, props to you for the sounds, and the backrounds came off well with the darkness and all, could have atleast gave the guys some eyes though heh anyways it was good...