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DOOM - Revenge

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Good 'ol true-to-the-art Stickdeath animation... originally aired on SFDT.com. Based on the old game Doom, by ID Software.

In the year 2053, earth has colonized a military base on Phobos Moon and Deimos Moon. After close to three years of exploration, one of the officers uncovers a strange, blue rock that's giving off a strange pulsing noise...

Those who have played Doom and Doom II will appreciate it a lot more, the music is original game, same for all the sounds, and most of the graphics. Anyone nostalgic about the old games will (hopefully) enjoy this thoroughly :D.

... Unfortunately, even though the movie says "to be continued", I'm not planning on making a continuation movie. I've sorta retired from Flash animations.

Have fun!


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this is cool

lol cool

Just me doin my thing

YOU HAVE INVOKED MY WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH soviet635,locky-rules,house2 SHUT THE MOTHA FUCKIN-I KILL YO CAT-UP! seroisly mabey it does take fuckin 3d game engines and state of the art technology to be able to entertain miore sufisticated life forms than the 1 cell fagmoids that you three APPERENTLY ARE so stfu this piece is great it is screeming for a sequil so fuck you people!!!!!!! Also a note to the creator: dont have zombies coming out of the portal have demons...makes mroe sense zombeis are created from peopel they already killed just have demons and them zombies later into the flash and be careful to count the people that have died/ and who have left suitible zombies hosts AKA not been blown up. so i hope you will appreciate my sticking up for a underapreciated flash maker sucth as yourself your friend and guardian ninja/pirate/gansta/the hizzle/awsome/friend ...me :D

that was a cool stick movie

That was a great concept of doom with sticks. The graphics were great the music everything was perfect.

Say when will the next part come out tell me please


I was the best doom remake i've seen even with sticks
And Lingo-Gorilla the moon of mars are so small you could blow the up with one nuke. It screem give me a sequil!

Uber gay

That sucked sooooo bad...i only gave it a 1 because i liked the music...i love old Doom music. Please dont make flash.

Credits & Info

3.81 / 5.00

Apr 10, 2004
12:34 AM EDT