Nice one..
Lol good idea to mix mario with a LOTR theme. I liked it but i didnt get the weird
Theirs a Virus that was spreaded. Unfortunetly I got it. So all my stuff is gone now. Because I had to restore my computer. Thank God I had some testers for this movie. I got the farthest one from them. And im sending it here. Because their is no way to edit a swf in .fla. Unless you imported it. But all the sounds/music, everything is gone. So im just sending what I have. I apologise. I was on the battle scene too. It was about to get good. Damn Virus.
Well, hope you like what their is.
Go watch Part 1 first! ;)
Nice one..
Lol good idea to mix mario with a LOTR theme. I liked it but i didnt get the weird
heres some things...
1. you can only go to the 1st and 2nd scene in scene selection 2. It ends when the fighting STARTS 3. Its kinda wierd, Bowser getting the presents, then Wart?and 4. Um, when I did a review with the Mario vs Sonic, I didnt know there was 2 rounds...
plot missing
they summon a WHOLE army to get one present wow things must be really expensive in the mushroom kindom
it was great and all but u could've stored the original on a CD or somthing
Na man, what happened was, every time I go on my desktop, my comp restarts. I couldn't do anything to help my files :(
Way too unoriginal
I saw both parts and what could've been a great flash toon involving Bowser (or Wart now, for some reason) stealing Christmas and the Mario Bros. running to save the day ended up just being another RotMK clone. It was like... a Christmas remix of RotMK. And then there was all this unnecessary gore in the first movie... whatever. Do something original.