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The Bridge

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Here's the story..I was revising for a maths test, a question came up, and it went something like this "June wants to cross a bridge, the bridge is 200 miles across, and it will take June 12 hours to cross, calculate the speed she must be traveling at"
So..I made a film about a bridge...or the lack of one, and I set a deadline of 12 hours...I only spent 7 hours on this however.
Not much else to say..oh yeah, it's a short, so don't go complaining about its length.
File size is low, so now preloader was required, just click play
Oh, and there's a really crappy cookie in there...so obvious.

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((( YES SHORT )))

Yes you are right this is short, but the decent artwork made up for that,, The animation was nice and smooth, the clicking sound in the backround was abit odd but overall nice short...


Good Graphix

But not much else than that, which I didn't like.


Nice, I liked it. Your art style kicks ass. The short, short storyline was good too. Keep making stuff like this - something a bit longer could be really awesome.


Has anybody told u that your hand writing is like walt disney's? Uh yeah it was good make more, but make it longer >:)

Yes I realize it was a short

....but it was just a bit too short for my taste. I enjoyed the animation style, and thought the humor very enjoyable. Overall, a fairly well done movie.

Credits & Info

3.56 / 5.00

May 10, 2004
6:33 PM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place May 11, 2004