The artwork was very good, and i can say that even without music it is still good. If only you coulda shown some actual action. Til next time
The music had to be take out in order to reach the 5 meg limit, so sorry if it makes it kind of boring
this is something I made for a school project and my friends keep telling me to put it on newgrounds... I dont terribly care, but they're really annoying... so here it is
The artwork was very good, and i can say that even without music it is still good. If only you coulda shown some actual action. Til next time
0_o what the....
it was like War Of the for 2 secs then i suddenly sucked
Damn man, I was hoping for some action, I gave some points for your graphics, and one for style, but overall I didnt like it much.
Where´s the action?!?
Nothing happens in the whole cartoon? Well, if you never really wanted to put it on newgrounds, I can understand. In Mechassult, or Mechwarrior, your main goal is to shoot things until they blow up, but here, nobody shoots anything! Why the f&$k not!?! But besides that, the graphics kick total ass.
try making violence and adding sounds in it... but honestly this is a total rip off of mech assult