What was up with that?
That 5 second clip you called the soundtrack nearly drove me insane after the second level. A somewhat interesting concept done with mediocre execution.
What was up with that?
That 5 second clip you called the soundtrack nearly drove me insane after the second level. A somewhat interesting concept done with mediocre execution.
there a button to put the sound OFF with, are you blind or something, and btw, i'f NEVER called it a soundtrack
This is pretty stupid. It's just a puzzle game with a crappy bomberman twist to it.
Not a great game
It looked good at first, But It got rrally old really fast
not bad
with a little more effort and maybe a few more features it would be a great game. for 84kb you can beat it though :)
Worthy of the puzzle collection...
Very good work. An original idea, well drawn, and well designed. I liked the little credits thing on the side. The background music is annoying after a while though. I suggest you either make the loop longer, or replace the music.
Anyway, I can see this in the games section under puzzles...
i really hope so (ectually i hope the v2 will be in it chause it will have MANY MANY lvls chause of the file size :)