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Tin Toss

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I hope some one likes it.

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This was alot of things but I found it to be crisp and you Balanced it with some Swanky effects and elements so nice job here Hey that was fun, abit laggy, and you should give more can choices to shhot fun game though i had fun with it, nice interface aswell really looked cool


This is a game about keeping a can up in the air. You should allow the player more time to keep the tin in play. There is lag while playing. You need to remove the slow down.

the can comes down just a lil too fast.. but other than that, i like it.. cute music too.. =)

not bad

but the can comes down to fast

i would rather stick my balls in a fan

i dont know

i dont really like it but its something ill play when im really bored so ill give u a ten for ...EFFORT!!!!!!!!

Credits & Info

3.49 / 5.00

Aug 18, 2004
2:38 PM EDT