Similar to my style, but halfway. Even though there are all sorts of colors here. But even though it's an old NG movie, it's quite well made. Okay, I understand why I have low ratings on my NG films. Thank you.
UPDATE- Ok, just so you know, from now on i will answer to ALL reviews that are somewhat constructive! weeee
OK, this is a VERY short spoof of "Dr
Frankensteins Monster", and yes, i know that the graphics totaly su.. umm, isn't very good!
Anyways, this was made on like, a couple of hours, so just watch and... enjoy if possible.
(leave constuctive reviews.. please?)
Similar to my style, but halfway. Even though there are all sorts of colors here. But even though it's an old NG movie, it's quite well made. Okay, I understand why I have low ratings on my NG films. Thank you.
I think it was very good!
The graphic was very good...
Yeah you should realy keep up the good work and make more
movies....PS.Det e david he
Ahhh din jävel! nåväl... hoppas du tyckte den var bra på riktigt annars (massa "fula" ord) =P skojja
I have to say that that was... let's say, weird. I didn't really get why it was turned into a game because if it didn't, you could have made something better out of it.( I don't know what but something.) But it was pretty good, I will admit that.
well.. thanx i guess.. =P
wasnt that bad
dude, piece of advice dont say that your movie sucks unless you want people to blam it. just give a general review about it. drawing was actually pretty good compared to all the stick figure people, and it was pretty funny "not alive - very alive" nice.
heh, thanks, i pherhaps i shouldn't write it soucks.. i guess that would be like writing "WOOT BLAM MAH PIEEECE OF JUUUUNK", so thanks for the review =)
I thougt I thougt, the graphics aren't good, just like you said,
but they are good, and the animations too,
the music is kewll, shall I see more from this
yuppers, you shall se more from this. I will make more animations in this "style" in a close future =)