this was good
It was good but isnt BannanaLock suposed to be the king of the locks?
My fifht movie release on NG.
I hope you like it.
And please Watch the whole thing before voting.
And for the best sync, rightclick and play when you see a castle in the movie and the do it again.
this was good
It was good but isnt BannanaLock suposed to be the king of the locks?
wasglj? pardon? tu parle de francais? oui? non?
It was good I just didn't get it!?
Clocks that talk! and move!? .... Boy! now I've seen everything!!
"Loggade bara in för att kolla om du gjort något, måste fortsätta med manuset"
you truly are the best flash creator in the team
bo här, ser att du fick ett pris tillslut. ganska hyfsat kan man ju säga.
va nog din bästa film hitintils.
gjorde själv ännu en film, väntar på att den ska bli blammad. (328 view och har bara 1,44 is score)
damn, nu försvann den.
nå jag ska fixa den. den kom ju nästan med den här gongen (behöver ju 1,60 för att få stanna)
great work :D
he has anthrax, kill him >=U
good movie
I'm glad you changed your name from SBC556 or whatever it was, you should sign up at
www (dot) clockcrew (dot) co (dot) uk
Thanks! I've already have. I'm keyclock hehe.