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GEOWeasel Pilot Ep Part 2

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Here's the second part. But this wouldn't be in two parts if I were smart enough to make shorter movies...
Just like part one, please review if possible, and I know the lip-synch's off. Uh...that's all. Enjoy. Maybe.

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Felt like watching TV

While I would admit this cartoon did use a bunch of typical cartoon cliches, it acctually was entertaining to watch. I laughed a few times and the style was well done.

Better than most.

This shows promise. But the first thing you have to do is change the theme song. It's way too similar to Bonus Stage's theme song, especially at the end. Change that immediately.
As you seem to be aware, the character designs were unique, especially compared to other NewGrounds cartoons. The backgrounds could use a little more flair, though.
The comedy was pretty good. I didn't really laugh at anything, but I didn't roll my eyes either. The Bill Cosby thing has been done, though. By The Simpsons and possibly someone else. That didn't feel original.

All in all, though, good job.

YES! The GEOWeasel Pilot!

Hey Nar, IT'SA ME! Yeah, I haven't submitted stuff yet. But, when the Pumpkin Cheese Mullet Man movie's done, it's goin' here. Anyways, I'm gonna review both of them at once on this one review, because I'm lazy, and it's all one movie anyways XD. So anyway, as a pilot episode, this was definetely awesome! Very reminiscent to Bonus Stage, and greatly retains the Nario touch from the sprite comics. And don't worry about not including the Zappo towels gig (yet?), because...as long as I got into the credits (Austin Freaking Brown! You remembered XD!). So yeah, on to specifics. The graphics came out nicely, especially on the characters. And the other effects had a nice cheap asthetic to them. Plus, this movie is pretty damn funny XD. YOUR BILL COSBY IMPRESSION OWNS!! The sound, well, there were a few little weird tweaks I noticed, but other than that it came out nicely enough for a movie of this caliber. This movie made a great pilot, and I'm sure the coming episodes will become even better :D.


I thought you could improve your skills when it comes to them walking. The sound was good but there was an anoying Bubble at the begining when you said certain words.


Awsome this is great stuff, you really need to make more for us to see, i was very impressed from graphics to your style, awsome work indeed, keep em coming...


Credits & Info

3.94 / 5.00

Dec 20, 2004
6:59 PM EST