wow kid...
1) This movie might have been cool between you and your buds, but i seriously would not have submitted this garbage.
2) improvise is defined by websters as fabricating out of what is conveniently on hand. that looked scripted (and no a script does not just tell you what to say, and how i hope your dialogue wasn't scripted or i am seriously worried about you)
3) what is the purpose of this junk? is it just so you can walk around with a gun and squeak your pre-pubescent "Oh my god!"'s at ear drum shattering pitch?
not trying to be hard on you, but these were my initial impressions. My advice, is to work out a better story-line and come up with actual dialogue. if you're worried your dialogue will blow elephant cock, then forget the dialogue, take it from another approach. your camera work and sound was good for non-professional /non-trained people.