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shroomkill 1

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Author Comments

finnally i finished a cartoon to put on newgrounds this is a lil thing i came up with that im hoping will turn out to be a great series

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I don't dislike it but I don't love it either. You did a good job don't get me wrong. I just didn't find it very entertaining. So I give it a 5.

not bad...

It's a good thing you started to have a good smooth graphic content at your first flash. My advice would be that you should make an original flash in terms of competition here in NG! Nice job!

For christs sake

Stop with the madness combat rip-offs, the limbless sidescrolling violence seen in madness is great cant you people think up your own ideas for movies? Sure violence is awsome but atleast make it original, first there was madness, then there was a fucking pillow ninja, then bunny kill and now this junk. What do they all have in common? There all completely knock offs of madness, they have no point to them other than to out violence the other and they are all highly over rated.


silverspike64 responds:

dude...shut up for everyones well being


Zombie Mushrooms ROCK! This was great, but it was really short. Also, it seemed just a bit like Bunnykill, but it could be just me.


nice.... this is cool but maybe u should try using something else instead a mushroom but ti still cool and good music >_<

Credits & Info

3.42 / 5.00

Jan 17, 2005
11:12 PM EST