all that I want is just a bit o' pussy
Yeah, I like Eazy too but still it was a little cheesy saying it in the end credits I got the impression you thought no-one knew NWA and stuff.. I actually cringed.. nothing too bad though, I was happy to hear it again after years! :)
Anyway, back to business, I generally liked the movie and found it funny both in the voices and just how a bus appears outta the ground like its the best thing since sliced bread only to fuck everyone else off... lol.. quality. It's own theme music, that was a killer!
Anyway, the sounds were fun but I'd suggest you try a little cooledit or something in the meantime to make future movies a little more precise (or something.. just can't think of it right now). To be specific maybe some cheesy advert music (not voicebox) on the intro to the bus.
Anyway peace out and make sure you check out my resident evil : REmake movie soon :)