nice love it luis and the team (the movie)
Well, I have been wanting to finish up the time trials series for awhile and I couldnt think of how to do it. So I decided it would be fitting to end the series with a demanding frame-by-frame challenge.
Thanks to everyone who participated/watched the time trials, theres alot of collabs that have spawned because of it and its great to see artists interacting with each other.
Challenge: Use frame-by-frame animation as the centerpiece of your animation, tweening is allowed in light dosages. Utilize the supplied music track as a starting point.
And now for a loong list of thank you's:
Livecorpse, alanthebox, delitescent, quelantaro, sketch_michaels, Tom Fulp, Boxkitten, th1rt3en, pinnicle, McBean, SecretAgentRege, Afroninja, sqeezy, tommylm, -pako-, dichu, joem, aloneinthedark, regiscartoons, ambientneedle, -Al- and everyone else who was part of a time trial whom i missed. and a special thanks to all the audio contributors.
nice love it luis and the team (the movie)
all of them were pretty cool. Weirdo9's was my favorite
I loved this if only because nearly every animator is a very well known one! It's great to see such good work by you guys! I think my favorite would have to be Luis. I wasn't expecting Darnell's head to explode like that. I thought you'd use audio with words. I kind of feel bad for not being satisfied with the music.
I do enjoy seeing how cool it is to see the same mood show up. That IS a long list of thank yous. Wait, yous isn't a word? Anyway, Afro-Ninja's was probably the most unique. It even had a different way of turning on!
I still think how can you strangle a human so his hair fall off, eyes gouge out, blood going out of nose and mouth. It seems impossible to me.
Excellent! After searching for god knows long I finally found this! It was Squeezy's and Luis's flash that compelle me to find it. I even message Tom in an effort to help me out. Guess I didn't need his help after all. Sorry Tom :( Anyway always something worh watching.