Half star, sorry.
Episode III reveals more about the wars and the hidden powers of thr good guys
Half star, sorry.
Don't be sorry, this was old, I've learned a lot and improved a lot since this.
Another episode, and even better than the previous one! Heh, you improve fast! I wonder how long the flow will last. Keep up the great work!
Ahh Episode 3, my big hitter, this is where I really started to get better, and I do improve fast (fast learner) but I can never tell if I'm better or not, that is for the audience to decide, and even if I can improve, its nothing without a strong story, which I believe this series had after I started writing the scripts (Episode 5 onwards)
I think the only thing that keeps me watching these episodes is the animation. I really do like it. Guess I'm just a 16-bit geek. But everything else just makes me want to cry. I know in the end these are made just for fun so I shouldn't be too critical. But the Final Fantasy music...no place in this!
the later episodes, I try to 'feel' what music would fit, and sometimes, it so happens to be FF
finnaly it has finshed
that was sh*t. i hate that. i was bored.
good for you cos I dont care
the music reminded me of sumthin off final fantacy...
the 1st paragraph was 2 long it started 2 get boring...
it was ok i guess keep it up
I cant see why people complain about reading, you have to read everyday