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Up town girl

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sampysgay was the other name so here it is my other acc i swear please belive me im trin to get it back

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Its only getting a 3 because I like the song, and it doesnt even sound like the original version. The regular open/close mouth movements work, the lip sync is pretty sucky. Please dont spam me with vulgar crap because I refuse to give this a 10. (if hes singing about his uptown girl, then why arent there any women in this flash?)


dude that was freakin sweet! but the last part was a bit pathetic, but besides that sweet clip !!


Ok...what...was that!? I felt asleep in my chair because it was really boring..

Graphic were ok, but the style was really weird...what guys have that freaky faces!! And the lipsync sux.. sorry got to tell, And tehre was no humor in it...Just guys sitting in a car cop came and they escaped... Any just standing in a car isn't much fun either..
The music wasn't of best quality, i have that song too, but the quality can much better..

+ It was good graphic etc..

- Style Lipsync sux, Not much fun in it, Maybe good for a sleepsong..

Btw. Don't disturb a forum ever, again! ¬¬

austinDayork responds:

go get friends anime nerd


Excellent job there, austin york. That's my favorite song. But since you made just one music flash, how about making more music flashes? I love to hear more songs from you. I disagree with hookup_boards. It is NOT gay. All guys in a car singing about an uptown "girl". They are not homosexuals, so don't listen to the last reviewer behind me. And it was perfect timing, but you need to work on just one thing: The lip syncing. When they were singing, their lips need to match the words. Say for example: Their lips need to touch each other when they encounter a "P", "B", or "M" in words they are singing. Got it? But you still made a perfect flash, it's the lip sync is what needs to be worked on. But Overall: Perfect. You still deserve all 5's for this flash.


dude that was gay but it was good.

Credits & Info

3.39 / 5.00

Jun 25, 2005
2:46 AM EDT