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Milkshake's ClockDay wish

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Author Comments

Watch out for my other submission later, which goes for 5 minutes and 6 milliseconds and is totally uber (and it's nothing like this) :P

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Clocks sicken me.

Well drawn shake, but definitly shouldn't be near 4/5.

MilkshakeClock responds:

Get some newgrounds history lessons, 8/15 anually = Clock Day.

pretty good. for a clock.

then again, i dont have any of my own movies to speak opf, and the one i did have got ker-sploded.

so anyway, it was a good flash, a little too short for my taste, but thats how it was meant to be.

i have seen many clock flashes, and this is one of the...er...(hmm what should i say? good, nice, ok? hmm...) yes this is one of the BETTER ones ive seen.

MilkshakeClock responds:

This was made in 5 minutes. I have no idea why you're saying it's even remotely good.

Good "Standby" Clock day movie.

I'm broke so I voted 5!

MilkshakeClock responds:

Are you sure you weren't on drugs when you reviewed and fived this, son?


it dont deserve teh fifen...it deserves TEH SIXEN!!!

MilkshakeClock responds:


<3 from Shake

Credits & Info

3.50 / 5.00

Aug 15, 2005
3:10 AM EDT