Getting better
Your drawing skills still impress me. It's nice to see good art around here. Keep up this work and you will have me continuing to watch these. Once again, well done.
Jorgovan is dead!Fear is in da eyes of Jorgovan!Part #4 Soon!
Getting better
Your drawing skills still impress me. It's nice to see good art around here. Keep up this work and you will have me continuing to watch these. Once again, well done.
Pretty good.
Good work, though what language you two were you speaking?
Svaka Ti Cast!
Bravo Wacko, svaka ti cast, bash si im objasnio neke stvari... :D
Grafika je MNOGO dobra (pretpostavljam da si ti sve crtao) i izbor muzike je bash dobar...
Svidja mi se tvoj fazon, samo tako nastavi... :)
Good Job
It was Good and all Could use a lil fix here and there tho
Holy shit
Ive never seen your movies but with graphics like this im about to check every single one out this is fucking awsome i love this flash.Sick work man...keep them coming.