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Over There: Segment 5

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It's here! The exciting conclusion of "Over There". It's the claymation event of the week!

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I can always appreciate big projects like this. Nowadays, you could just put the whole movie together. I'm still glad you put it like this. There were some really nice effects here. I like how it shows you going back to work, literally. The music was good too.

While not as funny, still very good. I thought this might be longer because it was the finale. I guess I appreciated the pacing because of that. This was quite stylistic. I'm glad so much time and effort went into it!

I should've written this by the full length movie. Well, ditto. (Working my way through each segment again) I Love All of "Over There"! Did you take classes or does your talent come naturally? My teen is taking a-z courses. You are great inspirations. Awesome work! ..what a card (car that even flies), ..what awesome trippy pun-fun [3rd Segment] I'm having admiring all of your very cool intricate work! (claymation fan and artist+) .....Home movies too. Kewl stuff guys.

I think you took Knox down a few pegs...

Dustball, Gel, I think that you guys are what original cartoonists on this site should be. If there is one thing that I like about you guys is that you never complain about too many parodies unlike RTil, ZekeySpaceyLizard, Notorious, etc. With that out of the way, onto the actual review.

I'm going to cover this series as a whole rather than this particular installment. First, there is the animation, which was well-rendered and detailed (odd to say for claymation, but it's true). Whereas Knox uses bloblike characters, you guys actually made every one of the characters unique for this series. Plus, I liked how you used live footage in this. I would also like to add that the image quality is great. Soundwise, I liked the music that you did Dustball and it kind of reminded me of Doug TenNapel's Neverhood. The voices, on the other hand, aren't the best, but they get the job done for something like this. As for the humor, I laughed in the previous episodes, but not this one. However, that won't knock your score down.

What I liked about this:
-Excellent clay modelling
-Excellent animation and image quality
-Nice use of live footage
-Original, even though that doesn't matter much.
-Great music and sound quality
-Decent voice acting

What I didn't like:
-Previous episodes were funnier.

Overall: Here's a ten out of ten, goddammit! I would just wish that the frame-by-frame/hand-drawn animation zealots would shut the hell up and learn something from you guys.

what to say, what to say,...

I liked it, i thought it was good. The plot was good but it did not carry out right, like it was rushed. I know clay animation is hard. It takes alot of patience so i guess it seemed rushed for a reson, maybe. So I rate ten. :) I would have given up alot earlier, so, yah. IT WAS GREAT.


The whole series was incredible. You guys did an amazing job on this. I especially like the fact that you did it with clay. The music was spot on! I loved every bit of it. You guys make a great team. The wink clips are great too.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go see what other masterpieces you've got at NG.

Credits & Info

4.25 / 5.00

Aug 25, 2005
11:02 PM EDT
  • Daily 2nd Place August 27, 2005
  • Weekly 3rd Place August 30, 2005