pretty good
funny and all, but kinda short and wierd. Also annoyed me how he walked backwards
A little something I cooked up. Let it pass >.> Also, I never thought that one of my movies would ever go over 1.5 megs. I geuss I was wrong. EDIT: Thank you all for the good reveiws. You have supported me to make more sprite movies
pretty good
funny and all, but kinda short and wierd. Also annoyed me how he walked backwards
((( NEAT )))
This was cool, im not much of a "SPRITE" fan but this was cool and very entertaining, the sprites looked good, and it flowed well with the animating, so i was impressed so nice work keep it up...
I love it. You must have spent alot of time with those sprites. Good job. Make more!
kick ass
your movie was wseet
Thanks, first reveiw i got in a long time :P
cool one
kick you ass in dance, huh? very amusing, and also original too. it was a bit short too... but overall, it was cool. maybe some more dance moves would've been good too.