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Forum Signature Tut

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This is my first submission, and I hope it's worthwhile. The tutorial is very simple, as my flash MX knowledge is very limited.

Be sure to check out "Brushes", or else the rest of the tutorial might be a bit confusing.

This tutorial is made for people with a basic knowlege of Photoshop CS. If you've never used Photoshop CS before, this won't help you much.

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the links dont work!

the first link isn't right, it doesn't take me anywhere

the second one takes me to totalwarmu.com but then what i do?


((( NICE IDEA )))

This was a nice idea, cant say i seen something like this on here but good idea, hope it helps but to be honest it should be simple to do such things...

maybe add more to it much as possible its a unique tut so make it very unique...

A neat idea for a tutorial something different never done before nice work...



please help me i like you tutorial and i really like to do some pictures myeself but the sparkle brush is not downloadable anymore...?! could you send my msn messenger is puccini@sol.dk if it is...


I actually used it

Those brushes really do some good stuff. I've already made two in sparkle style. Your next tutorial can be about grunge effects, borders and patterns!
Also, as a note, your presntation may need a bit of work. I know the whole point is a tutorial, but a little bit of music while reading through wouldn't hurt. :)

dFlipz responds:

Haha, I'm going to have to ask my friend to do the complicated flash stuff.. but seeing as how this tutorial helped so many people, I'd be glad to make another one. Keep an eye out for it!

this is funny!

this is funny as just last night i was trying to make forum sigs and need help! i am glad u did this!well my forum will be happy if i can now make high quality sigs!

Credits & Info

2.38 / 5.00

Sep 3, 2005
11:35 PM EDT