It made me laugh!
That was kool, i laughed at the end!
as you can see i'm not really good with sprite movies.
it's because i'm a begginner with sprite movies.
please be polite with reviews.
thank you
It made me laugh!
That was kool, i laughed at the end!
((( OK )))
Funny but the sprites are abit old, would have been better with sharper looking sprites, and maybe better think bubles, as for the story it was ok but neded more, maybe even voice-overs would have improved on this, but it had its moments so notbad...
Not Bad
I hate to be continued stories that don't finish, so make the second part, please
ok good try
ur sprite wasnt bad
just the bad paint over the characters and the close ups of the characters
It's not bad for your first sprite flash. i think the story was a little cheesy...Dude wakes up...Tries to escape...Gets shot multiple times...Dies..Wakes up...Meets brother.....Shock...etc.......That, and the actual text didn't really sound...."Snakish" or "David Hunterish". Not that bad.