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The Tooth

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Might look disturbing to some audience. Please be warned.

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Originality personified

The characters! My god the characters are awesome. I like the art style. It's something completely original. You see so many clones on this site, monkey see monkey do... But then every once in a while you see somebody with enough balls to post a true work of art on here like this one.

You know what i don't get?
How come when people come by something like this and comment they always start by saying things like
"Strange but....."
It almost seems like they're saying it's a bad thing to be strange..

Stranger the better I say, who else is tired of seeing the same old boring seen it before crap everyday?
I know I am,
thanks for the fresh air

this is really good

ah, the fish has a piercing! well what fish woudent want to have one ;)


Ha, tooth pain os no fun! But he is a complete moron because any fool can see that you should not get hit in the face by a door that opens out! But I bet it tore his tooth out anyway. Tooth pain is no fun. Once I had a tooth pain and I had to destroy the world to relieve it.

This should be rated higher than 2.98


This was an old joke but you presented it well, i love the strange and odd characters, and the tones color was a nice touch aswell, it was abit short but was still entertaining...

Make it just abit longer with some more ending to the tooth and all...

An old tooth joke presented very funny with some strange but neat characters...



I gave you an overall of 10 because it's amazing how random those characters were. You're crazy, lol.

Credits & Info

3.51 / 5.00

Oct 6, 2005
3:19 AM EDT