Update: Thanks for the front page!!!
I also decided to make another one, possibly a sequel, IF I can find good voice actors. I need Beavis, Butthead, Todd, and Stewart. Aim= Gorilla Elbow . Email = optimistic_octopus
The voice acting was done by FrostedMonkeyFlakes. About 90% of the voice is done by him. The rest is from actual B&B episodes. I drew everything by freehand. All drawings are NOT traced. Nothing is stolen. I wrote the script for this a year ago, but my voice actor pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth when we were about half way done. So then I just made a surprise/bull shit ending. I originally planned to make this longer and introduce some original characters. The good thing about the bullshit ending at least is that it’s nearly impossible that anyone will predict the ending. Unless you are psychic, haha. I gotta give props and credits to Mike Judge the creator of “Beavis and Butthead”, Adam Phillips the creator of “Bitey of Brakenwood”, and Luis Castanon the creator of “The Perfect Murder”. I also gotta give credit to Frosted Monkey Flakes. Even though he disappeared, he’s got the best B&B impressions that I’ve heard so far. I used many B&B reruns on VHS for references. This movie took me quite a while to complete. Watch the movie and enjoy.
This undoubtedly looks like a real episode of the series, which even makes a good imitation of the design of the MTV animated series!!!
The voices are actually pretty good. Made sense you'd use the OG laughs tho. That said holy hell some of these are really throwbacks. I thought the is on fire series was a fever dream or some shit
Rip Bob saget
Looks good