It is a pretty nice movie, I enjoyed watching most of it, however, there are things there needs to be fixed. First of all, the graphics was pretty good, in most of the short movies (if you can call them that) was pretty good. However, there are a lot of pictures which don't donate anything to the movie and also make the graphics uglier. Furrthermore, there is no background at all, and a background would really add to this movie. Second of all, the style was pretty good, I like the illogical style and unorganized order of the short movies this movie is built of. Third of all, there is no a lot of soundtrecks in this movie, so as regular sounds, although there is a place for a lot of soundtrecks. However, in the short movie you did put a soundtreck it was pretty good. Fourth of all, I like the script, it was very crazy and illogical, which made it pretty funny. However, I also laughed of it's silliness, I don't know if it is good or not, but it was funny... Anyway, it was a pretty good movie, well done.