That rabbit is awesome! Mr Bunny is cool
-- EDIT --
This is by far my lowest scoring "movie".. type.. thing.
I have no idea why I submitted it. ;p
"The Whacky Exciting Adventures of Mr. Bunny!"
That's my rabbit. This is honestly what he does all day.
Don't take it too seriously - I've never used video before so I wanted to do something with it. Now that I've got my hands on a camera you just know the world is doomed.
That rabbit is awesome! Mr Bunny is cool
"smiley face"
It was fairly boring, yet I somehow feel compelled to give you a high rating (maybe its cus I love bunnehz! woot!). And yes, I agree you should stick to flash.
ahahah thats awsome! Ty for uploading.
Bunnies are awesome! Lol, it was very random :P but 10/10 just because of the bunny! Guess theres nothing to say to improve on because it was just a bunny sitting there.. Good work though... lol :P Keep it up!
helmi is pretty crazy. so I'm not surprised in the least.