pretty good song and the only reason i gave humor a ten was because of what the last guy said. roflmfao! otherwise good.
This animation is my very first animation its not great.but all i really want to know is what you think of it so please vote
pretty good song and the only reason i gave humor a ten was because of what the last guy said. roflmfao! otherwise good.
Looked like the singer was jacking off the mic in about every mic scene
I'm gonna have to vote low on this for now. But don't get too discouraged, it wasn't bad for your first shot.
...one more thing, bad mic performance.
why is the drummer not moving. im a drummer myself so this pisses me off.
for the rest it was great. keep up the good work
i must say for ur first flash this is nicely done keep up the great work and one day u could be really good