o .e
one point it seemed like i was hearing someone moaning more salt more salt o .e is it jus me or is parts of this kinda trippeh
just one kiss will do
o .e
one point it seemed like i was hearing someone moaning more salt more salt o .e is it jus me or is parts of this kinda trippeh
Holy shit! did that really happen or did i black out from crack and dream it all? whoa.....
where you on crack when you made this?
it was so retardedly random that it was actually hilarious. thats kind of sad..........i guess.
u are on crack man
like i said you are on crack man,that sucked,and why did u put a dancing fizzy ladythere?u are on crack or somthing
alright...what the hell was that supposed to be?! are you on something?!