I really can't believe you've made a series of a game that's rarely seen!!!
It is finally here! Punch-Out Chapter Three is the last installment to the series where "Little Mac" is being chased again. This will be the last of the Punch-Out story.
*NOTICE* The ending will be reworked and rereleased in 2 months.
*UPDATE* Newgrounds, thank you so much for the front page. After all the hard work I put in for Punch-Out I truly deserve this and its a huge honor for me. Thank you Newgrounds and thank you Newgrounds viewers!
I really can't believe you've made a series of a game that's rarely seen!!!
Holy shit I thought this shit was a fever dream. Been a while
Best. Punch-Out!! Movie. Ever! :D
yes lol got to seel all three punchouts :) u need to fix the issue with your trilogy edidition lol :)
Nice flash dude. Heh, it's kinda funny cuz you made Macho Man seem easier than Glass Joe.