=) nice one!
hejsan rasse nice movie du har gjort damiT! nice ONE!
::needs flash 8 player::
yay! its finished!
Watch it and vote 10!
R3venge 2 Coming Soon!
So Perpare You Self
P.S I am Stick but its someone who use that name.
Frames : 1116
Preload: 658.6 s
Size: 3270 KB
Frame rate: 18.0
Dim: 550 X 400 Pixels
sorry i forgot .sword helmet and spear by Wolf,
Damn you WOLF!! : D
=) nice one!
hejsan rasse nice movie du har gjort damiT! nice ONE!
Good, but falls flat in the pack
The animation here was good, the way the stick figure moved and attacked was nice (though there were some parts that looked rather odd, such as when he stabbed the second guard with his sword, and the guard fell through it as he hit the ground). The music was alright when I started to hear it, up until the credits, the singing turned me off really. There's a bit to like about this, but there's so many other animations like this it's not funny. Unless this has a major twist, some back story to show the motive behind the swordsman or something that just plain bumps up the excitement level, this will disappear pretty fast. Still, I liked this, so keep up the good work.
i want the new version. plz start work
Thats was really good, can't wait for R3venge 2
Most of the flashes that use stick figures aren't very good but this was awesome