that was so awesome!!!! i was almost crying it was so F*@#ING hilarious!!!
A funny infomercial about how to kick the booty call habit
that was so awesome!!!! i was almost crying it was so F*@#ING hilarious!!!
Thanks! :D
So hilarious!
Thats like one of the fucked up situations my best friemd Sonny and I would find ourselves in.... Except we aren't drunk, just stupid. (WTF)
Awesome flash! Voted 5!
This was really funny. I especially liked the music at the beginning; the whistled tune was VERY catchy. ;P Infomercials are always a great thing to make fun of...
I haven't reviewed anything for a while but i thought i'd get back on the horse.
That was cool, v.interactive which is what i like to see. I can definitely relate to the subject matter (doh!) cool style and good music at the end.
I esp. liked the way your bought the credits up. Cool.
The Cozzienan - Always eat your vegetables first.
that was pretty good heh