add subtitles
this was hard too
add subtitles
im going to in ep.3....
Not bad..
As for you gay people, the voice is a "clock voice" watch any other movie with clocks in and they have the same voice i think...This money was good but it could be better with some improvement, e.g. like patterns on weapons, a lil music =-) i wish you good luck on your future movies.
i wish you good luck with your future reviews
That wasn't funny. Just having a funny voice speaking in the background while there is no decent action going on doesnt make your movie a good one, I should know, mine got blammed. Sorry man, but it just wasnt! I'm not saying mine was ne better, but this wasnt good either.
funny voices rocks so stfu
Wtf Is with that voice!!!!!
Please CC, GG and w/e other crews/groups there are PLEASE GET RID OF THAT VOICE!!!!! I love most of your guys' animations but the voice bugs me big time...
turn the sound of then
Please, for the good of mankind, do not continue.
im what are you gonna do about it?