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Joanna Dark:BTL

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Author Comments

this animation is old and crap, don't watch it.
seriously, you'll demand you get those minutes back at the refunds, and they've already sent me way too many checks to fill in.

Nah but seriously, this one is old, I let it be here just to show my first big "movie" actually.. Or.. it's not much to show, meh you get the drift.

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Fable Rulz

Man i'm giving this a 10 because the dude from Fable wearing the Assassin Outfit was AWESOME!

Sorry to say, but you tried too hard

Dont know what to say about this. I gotta say this flash really caught my eye. Joanna Dark going to the dark side??? Is the X-Box 360 even the "darkside"??? I am a big fan of Joanna Dark and Masterchief. I gotta get this off my back.You have the funnies like Roostertooth but you either tried to hard or it aint your specialty. I say your good in what happens in the gaming issues and CPU world. I am trying to say to try to take it easy on the comedy and bring out more eps that makes us think. I give this a 7. You have a future indeed by your ideal thinking.

JonHunter responds:

Although it's really late for me to respond to this review, and I don't even know if you will actually notice this response. But this review helped me out a lot, although I haven't done much since, it's good and constructive criticism that helps us get further.

Oh and btw, I was like 14 when I released this.

Heads up Mortal!

Ahaha! This turned out GREAT! I loved how it was made! I was the announcer O.O! XD

Why is the xbox 360 the "dark side"?

It was a good high quality flash and all, but it seemed this flash was trying too hard to be funny and it ended up just making a lot of stupid jokes. Also, perfect dark for the 360 sucked, so did the original so this made the flash worse. Also, master chief would never date that slut Joanna Dark, she is SOOO beneath him.


JonHunter responds:

I know, i just felt like Master Chief cause mostly.. He is one of the biggest characters from Xbox, and that's why the 360 becomes mad at Master Chief, cause master chief snitched his girl frenid.

This cracked me up because...

The burp, the fart and Master Chief crying XD Rating 10 voting 5.

Credits & Info

3.35 / 5.00

Mar 19, 2006
4:07 AM EST