apple sux, paper went bye bye because your a noob :)
This is a brief animatic for a little spot I would Like to do. The drawings are a little sub par, But the whole purpose of the project is to establish my shots and flow of the movie. You can't make a flash movie without knowing what it's gonna look like. So with this, now I know!
apple sux, paper went bye bye because your a noob :)
Nice drawing
The art looked good with no color. Music and lip sync looked good also.
Well done.
that doesn't happen.....*sacrasm*
nicely drawn, went well with the sound.
keep up the great work.
The loop isn't that bad...and great drawings. Pretty funny... twas enjoyable.
Apart from the loop, that was excellent. The voice was hilarious, especially the "blupblup blup blup" sounds the computer made. The girl was really well drawn, not quite manga, a very fresh style. Keep up the good work.