nothen new
nice try though
Need To Know Facts BEFORE You watch the movie:
1- its 1238KB, So please Be Patient (well worth it, i promise)
2- Its NOT a STICK MOVIE!! Its Anime!
3- The Size is Due to the Animation(20FPS), there is no Music and only 400K of WAV files...
-4 If you have Under 600MHz (like me) Please Watch it the Second time in Low Quality, The Frame Rate is at optimal Speed this way (20FPS)=)
5-Keep an open mind, And Enjoy
**More info (you might want to Have the movie loading while you Read this**
This is a Parody of Bad Media Coverage (isn't it all bad, one way or another). It took 5 pages to Draw the Story board, which was 80 Scenes... Half Way thru the Voice acting i realized i couldn't make my two week Deadline, also that it was going to be over 3MB...
So i Edited the Movie, throwing out some scenes. Thats Why the movie is jumpy, it has some of its original Flow to it, so its not too bad =) Well the Major Portion of cuts were to the Second Half, so it would be easier to put together a sequal...
I Truly hope you find this as funny as i thought it was at the time i wrote it (i've seen it so many times i can only chuckle =)... ok Blah blah, check out the Preloader, some goodies in there for you =)
nothen new
nice try though
this is god awful. you need to get out more.
gay moms could make this funnier then you. you are gay, you probobly shove cameras under stall doors, too.
reviewing your POS entry,
I have taken dumps better then this.
I'm sure you have, turds that have come out of your butt have amused you more than this. That would Show your maturity level, and explain your taste in comedy, if you were the intended audience i would have put fart jokes, and doo-doo jokes in this movie. Come Back and Write a reveiw when you get a Movie that makes it on newgrounds. Until then Don't Type a meanless review. -Brine
A waste of time and effort...
One of the worst flash movies I have seen on newgrounds over the past two years. It wasn't funny anywhere, and at first I wasn't sure if myt speakers volum was up or not! The graphics weren't necessarily bad, bt were somehow utterly annoying and ugly. It has very littel stylr and some obnauctious animation that was very little plaeasing on the eyes. Go ahead and hate me but that movie sucked.
Ok You Shouldn't Even Be Reviewing movies if you're gonna give unrealistic scores like that. You don't even have any movies of your own. Why don't you spend 2 weeks on a film, and make it funny and enjoyable... Anyway if you don't get it just move on, don't waste my time and other people's time with an uninformed review. Go read a flash, FAQ, and if you get past Comprehending it (may be hard, you didn't understand my movie), maybe you can start animating. THEN you can tell me how much my movie sucks. Until then, Don't review shit you don't understand.
Good stuff.
That was really good. You must have put a lot of hard work into the animation. The voices were good, too. You could hardly tell that you had done all of those voices, I noticed no similarities between them. I enjoyed it alot.