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[LL]SSBM Lock Plays SSBM

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Hey, X02, aka SSBM Lock, here with my first LL Movie. I worked about 8 hours over 2 days on it. Please rate on quality and entertainment, not how much you hate lock/clock style movies. Well, hope you enjoy. Feel free to visit my site if you want to see more animation

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An amazing Lock submission

Love the fresh colors and very vibrant a good little story too, no major changes on this particular lock animation, So this was ana mazing story and film here of a great classic lock related movie you cant go wrong with some lock movies like this I do wish there was more of these kinds of movies as they were a nice counter besides clocks but also braught great adventures.

no major changes on this particular lock animation



Really funny. Idunno why this flash only got 2.99. I'm giving it a 5 just to try to raise the rank to a 3.

muahahaah guess who

yep you guess right blackfang lol. 5

X02 responds:

lawl! thanks for teh 5


That was awsome good job. uh yea w00t!

I gave it a 5 so u know...

---Killer Angel Lock---

X02 responds:

Awesome. Another 5


You used my sword! And i subsequently used that 5 bucks to get a premium account!


Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.02 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 2% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.12 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 2.8291 to 2.8365!



X02 responds:

See, Everybody won. You got five bucks, i got the sword, and peanutbutter beat me in SSBM a few times XD

Credits & Info

3.91 / 5.00

Apr 1, 2006
9:35 PM EST