Obviously noone reads flash credits anymore. Even thought the ideas were not directly your own you but a good spin on them without changing the original humour. good job and cant wait for your next one.
**Please Read**
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ASPM - A Short Parody Movie
Basically I do some short parodies on different subjects and put them into one movie.
This one includes:
Metal Gear
And Grand Theft Auto
The inspiration comes from different subjects like webcomics, stories off line, other parodies, and myself. Thanks for watching and the movie controller is at the bottom.
Obviously noone reads flash credits anymore. Even thought the ideas were not directly your own you but a good spin on them without changing the original humour. good job and cant wait for your next one.
very good
very good i liked the animation and thought that it was an excellent parody and cant wait for ure original ideas and next flash
Good, but give credit where credit is due.
This was executed very well, but he first two scenes were obviously from VG cats. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, as putting comics in a flash medium allows for a wider audience. However, you failed to aknowledge both Scott Ramsomir (the author) AND VGcats, and you deliberatly replaced the VGcats characters with your own. It was entertaining, but if it was a little more original (and longer), this would've been front-page worthy.
Thanks...but once again I mention VGCats in the credits. And the next one is going to be better I promise you, and mainly my own ideas. Thank you for the review though.
No discredit to you if you truthfully thought of all those, but like half of those jokes could be found in webcomics like VG cats or penny arcade...especially the GTA one...
get a new microphone. and the animation was pretty basic..
Like I said read the description and look at the credits. Thanks though.
one question
i didnt see anything that thanked vg cats for their comics which u used, only altered them a bit so that they have leo and aeris.....well i saw u said random comics but atleast name them...
In the credits it says Special Thanks to: VG Cats.