HOLY CRAPETH!! This movie is great it really has that old school feel when I remember watching sprite moives back in '06, it's like a blast from the past. Great movie for it's time :p
First, I realized that in the Elevator Action skit, I kinda messed up the moving shadow. Moved in the wrong direction. Second, if you look closely in the duck hunt scene, you'll notice that the Ice Climbers' are dragging the dogs dead carcass with them. Perhaps to feast upon...
To those who may be thinking it, YES, I WAS fully aware of Skittlez n' Bitz when I made this, but I have never watched it, I can assure you, the idea for this movie and all skits came from me. Actually I have only seen Skittlez n' Shitz (Pretty funny, even if it is at Majin's expense). I am now working a new movie. It will be a short involving Legend of Zelda. Thats all I care to say for now. Thanks again for the good, helpful reviews. =D
This is my first Flash Movie. After a years of watching awesome Flash Movies on Newgrounds, I finally decided to make some myself. Of course, being my first Flash Movie, some of the effects, animation and all that ain't amazing. Especially since I sorta rushed to finish this (mainly because my computer was starting to develop a serious lag problem). But I'm starting to rant. I hope you enjoy my movie as much as I enjoyed making it.
HOLY CRAPETH!! This movie is great it really has that old school feel when I remember watching sprite moives back in '06, it's like a blast from the past. Great movie for it's time :p
I get every reference but...
What game is the elevator scene from? Was that a real game for t3h n3s? (r3d and bl@(k m@ges ftw!)
Elevator Action. Tis a real NES game my good mage.
It was okay... I found that I found that yoooouuuu...?
flash man hilarious:D
A good start!!
Not bad for your first flash movie. Very well done indeed. Great material to work with = great spoofs. I can't believe I didn't find find this sooner.
Going to see the second one now. Keep up the great work!
Thank you Stormy! You are my hero!