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Author Comments

A revised version of my first submition.

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I liked the random Jewish man, I suppose...but overall, it wasn't that great. And honestly, I don't understand why everyone hates iPods so much...mine has helped me keep sane during the many hours I have to sit in my campuses lobby every weekday...

profesorfrink responds:

I dont hate iPods, I like them, they look pretty... I dislike the fact that they lock content, the DRM, and the fanboy, the fact that I monopolizes the market and promotes anticompetitive practices, other thatn that I like the concept of the iPod and the physical product...Was your review of the short based on the fact that you like iPods? Or the merit of the shortfilm?

:~> Ok

That was a nice movie, althought it was way to slow. The irony of the iPo... sorry the iMP3 was a nice catch. What's so special about those things to sell like water cans in the desert? The impossible situation concerning the Rabbi was also funny. But I think the ending was kinda, well, stupid. I was waiting some joke, that seemed like you got out of ideas.

In conclusion, nice movie, slow, nice graphics, funny story, awful ending. =]

# Poirot #

Nice looking, but dull.

The first thing I noticed about this Flash was that it was much too slow for my tastes. I wanted to use a seek bar to fast forward it. Secondly, there wasn't really any plot to speak of... Guy sees a commercial for an iPod, goes to a store, fights what appears to be an Amish man, and buys it. That said, you do know how to animate it seems, and I think you have the ability to to better. Basically, you've got the ability; I think you just need more inspiration.

profesorfrink responds:

It's a one eyed Rabbi.... The amish wouldnt use Machine Guns...ever, the Rabbi wouldn't use it on Sabbath, every other day is Ok

It's good.

yeah I kinda like it. I'll protect it. xD

profesorfrink responds:


Hilarious Short...

This is a nice short film that does what it's supposed to do - make the viewer laugh. However, I do have a problem. The sound is a little lacking in quality. Other than that, great work.

profesorfrink responds:

Thanx. I do have to improve the FXs.... although keeping them small allow this animation to be view in the PSP

Credits & Info

3.41 / 5.00

May 13, 2006
7:38 PM EDT