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FlawlessDog Animation

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Author Comments

I created this animation as my final project in my "Intro to 2d animation" class.
In addition, this was my final entry in the Great SWiSH Max Competition 2006 at http://www.swishzone.com/

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o.o Uhm. Well.

that was...completely pointless...

but i liked it! the graphics were frickin' flawless. which might explain the title to some extent. i don't think i would have the patience to get something that precise...ever. i would just be like, "aaah! screw it!" and then my moniter would be out the window. so kudos on the wonderous graphics.

the style was... well, it was what it was. some probably wouldn't give it a ten; but then again, i think the rating of style is pretty much personal preference. i like simple things. they have high entertainment value for me, because i don't have to think. like those screen savers, you know? yeah...

i want sound! goddamnit. music. techno. electronic. something like that. cause music is flippin' awesome. and this flashie-thing is flippin' awesome. you see what i mean?! The music was the only thing that kept this from being a perfect ten. so yeah. add music.

okay. So i'm amused by things lighting up at the touch of my cursor. sue me. i love that little arrow. it's magic, i tell you. magic. i don't think i would add anything for people to do. i mean. i guess you could add colors or something. but that's all. if you did, it would change the style.

some might wonder about my humor rating up there. just...don't ask. like i said. i like mindless things. they amuse me. i started giggling insanely at an ant once. stop laughing at me.

add music.


FlawlessDog responds:

It really is kindof pointless, isn't it?
It was pretty much an exercise in control, and precision for me.
I'd been playing with some 3D shapes for a while in flash, and wanted to do something different with it.
My class required a 30 second animation, and as I was already doing some of this stuff before class, I really wanted an animation that would be a compilation of my previous work, and get a grade for it.

Thanks to you, and all the folks up to now, that have left reviews for my little ditty.

I understand...

I've had the same type of class, so I have an idea of the work that went into that.


It's boring and pointless - then why is it so cool?

If you hold your curser over the triangles they light up. That was neat.

Liquid smooth... nice work!!!!!!!!

Flawlessness wasn't an overstatement...


must have taken days of tweening and getting the perfect easing!

Credits & Info

3.91 / 5.00

Jun 19, 2006
3:15 PM EDT