it was good
to the guy below me id like to point out the wolf person was a dude.....
Jazz goes back home to make things right with the fam. And some bald white girls.
it was good
to the guy below me id like to point out the wolf person was a dude.....
that wolf chick at the end was HOT!!!
however u really need to work on your animation...
well I think your animation could use some real work. Especially considering that even with it not being top notch it still slows down my comp. I really like that story line but at some parts the music is too loud to hear them say anything.
Good, but oculd be better
The sound is definitely better than the first one, but... it's kind of boring. Dood animations anyhow
i don't get it
good music, good animations, but i dont get the storyline that well