this is some kind of YTP??
If so, it shouldn't be here??
Today Sora, Sonald, and Soofy. Go back to Hollow bastion and run into many of your favorite FF characters. Sora must stop the hooded Simple Plan fans who are causing trouble. Meanwhile it turns out Roxas has become king of twilight town.
This took 3 months to put together so I hope you enjoy it.
this is some kind of YTP??
If so, it shouldn't be here??
What is this a ytp?
Simple Plan is actually pretty good,but when Demyx sings it...
Lets just say he's ment for pop.
What are you gona do to him?
This. :D
Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey!
Looks like my summer vacation is....Over.
THis one won :D
salty nuts
salty nuts
salty nuts
its great but....
it needs upgrade health or guns ratehr than just key, the exp every blue ball is low n WAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? ITS A MOVIE! KIKIKIKI LOL