okay game
this game was alrught not sure where the guns that shoot out glowing balls goes in with gladiators but other then that was pretty fun got stuck when trying to move around though
Lots of effort went into this one... hopefully you guys enjoy it.
okay game
this game was alrught not sure where the guns that shoot out glowing balls goes in with gladiators but other then that was pretty fun got stuck when trying to move around though
It's ok....
It's ok and all but, it could need some work but oveall it's fun.
this is preety funish. i like the fact that its easy to move around and shit.
pretty avrage shooter
not bad, was an average looking game but had some good AI, until the enemy ran into mine after mine, but that's ok, burst fire weapions would be nice, but not automatic weapons, maybe shotguns throwable grenade type weapons besides that, a good game, good job
Its good, the animation and graphics are acceptable, as well as the gameplay, but it could have been better... Anyway keep it up! You have a nice piece of work here!