nothing new
:) no hard feelings
this is a prank me and my friend pulled on a guy. i thought it was pretty funny so i thought i'd share it with u guys
nothing new
:) no hard feelings
Well, I like the animation style in this movie, and the style, too. The music was rpetty good, too. I like the style of humour, and I like how you had 'innovative' 'PLAY' and 'REPLAY' buttons. Good work, although I think it could have been longer (bit I guess you were just showing us a prnak that you pulled ona firend, right?).
I died laughing
That was awesome man. I have to watch that over and over again. Make more of that stuff! The animation style was wonderfull
Very well done.
Your flash needs exactly two things to increase the score by a lot: Sound Effects, and voices. But other than that, that was pretty all right. I enjoy the style of art you have. It's cool. Well, keep up the good work.