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Sjef finds a Present

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Author Comments

This is one of my first short animations. I'm no expert in creating animations, but I tried making something of it and I'm still learning. I hope you enjoy this short submission and give me some advice on how to make it better (not about the story, but about how to improve my animationskills)

Ralf Silvius (The Netherlands)

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i dont usually like random stuff (dont know why that guy says there is not enough stuff like that here... there are lots), but i like your work. its not too long (i prefer it that way) and the jokes are nice (im fed up with all those supermega violent and disgusting jokes).
Flash for all the family =)

hey there!

Nice thing, though very short, and very much of the ''haha! he hurts himself and never gets the reward!'' humor, it was kinda ok. it had nice graphics and sound, so I gave it a 4/5. good to se a fellow dutch artist on here too! Hope to see your next movie soon!


het was wel een leuk filmpje, alleen wel kort, en veel van de ''haha! hij doet zichzelf zeer en krijgt alsnog niks!'' humor, maar het was wel een goed filmpje. Het had vloeiende graphics en geluid, en dus heb ik je een 4/5 gegeven. het is wel leuk om een mede nederlander hier op newgrounds te zien! Binnen kort ga ik ook hier mijn flash werk posten, dus kijk daar alsjeblieft ook naar uit! XD

Greetz, Totghelyr

Ralfius responds:

Thanx for your review, looking forward to your submissions! Let me know when they're on NG. I just submitted 'Sjef rocks' it's longer than this animation!

Ralf Silvius


I hope to see more of your stuff here on NG! You will be one of the most popular animators here on NG. I gave you a 5/9 because you have STYLE and TALENT! I have added you as one of my favorite authors. Please keep them coming.
I am glad to finally see a good artist here on NG.

Ralfius responds:



there should be more random crap like this on here

Ralfius responds:

I'm working on it ;)

Credits & Info

4.62 / 5.00

Aug 8, 2006
4:21 PM EDT