hey its me again yeah
i dont think thios is your best one but its not bad or good its in the middle so i think u should go on with this so i give u a 3/6
your friend,
This is my first drawn animation. It isnt the longest in the world. But really just to see if im kinda capable.
Thanks for all helping reviews. didnt realise my FX were so loud. will sort that out for next time. Plus it will be longer!!
hey its me again yeah
i dont think thios is your best one but its not bad or good its in the middle so i think u should go on with this so i give u a 3/6
your friend,
Not bad at all!
Great first flash. Need to work on the volume of voices and FX though. Voices were to quite, or FX to loud. Try some more funnies and try to improve your technique in animation, and I think this will be a new series.
My name is in credits on NG!! YAY!! ^_^
Keep it up!
Good Start
This is alright my biggest problem was that your sound effects are louder then the voice overs. It was hard to the voice and the it was annoying to hear such loud sound effects
*pleasantly surprised*
This isn't half bad. I hope it passes :)
<includes sarcastic but gentle comment in here>
Not bad, but it looked to motion-tweened, (if thats can be used as an adjetive); and I don't know which one is Cylde (Clyde?) and Hyde, also there are few people called Hyde or Clyve, so noone would feel connected to the characters presented in here, per se, not much people likes em.
And now some non-absurd advice:
For your first its pretty good (and yes, I know thats not an advice but an opinion, stop looking at me like that!). I think I should stop writing, but the first thing I wrote wasn't absurd so take that as an advice D: